پرش به محتوا


از ویکی‌واژه




  1. آبگیر.


  • فرهنگ لغت معین


  • فراروند ِ انجام دادن یا اجرا کردن چیزی؛ چیزی که انجام یا اجرا شده است.


  • /ژیر/؛

نویسه گردانی



  1. ژیره


  • انگلیسی: act
  • فرانسوی: acte, action; agir



  1. In major European languages there are two fundamental and very close

verbs which convey "work, action, activity". These are: 1) to do (in French faire, Spanish hacer, German machen)

  1. and

2) to act (French agir, Spanish actuar, German handeln)

  1. . In Persian there is only one word for these two concepts:

kardan; and this is obviously a big handicap. An ad hoc equivalent for action has therefore been koneš, from kardan "to do." The problem is that

  1. this solution, despite being widely used, confounds "to do" with
  2. "to act," and is incapable of forming all the related derivatives.

Therefore, we propose žir, which derives from Av. žirā-

  1. "active, agile, clever." And interestingly, this word has conserved its original

meaning in Kurdish žir "agile," žiri "agility." In Mod.Pers., âžir has several disparate meanings,

  1. probably due to a superposition, among which
  2. "alert, clever, intelligent."

Abbreviations and symbols

Transliteration of Persian characters

واژه‌های وابسته


ژیریدن، ژیرش، ژیراندن، ژیرانش، ژیرا، ژیرندگی، ژیرایی، ژیرنده، ژیرمند، ژیرگر

بن مایه (مرجع


حیدری ملایری، م. فرهنگ ریشه شناختی اخترشناسی و اخترفیزیک، ۲۰۰۵