[ویرایش]- ️کیاجیدن 📤 [≛]؛ ️صِحَتاجیدَن 📤[≛]:
- 🗨️ When a user logs into their company's network, they are required to use their unique username and password to authenticate their identity and gain access to the system.
- ️اَصْلاجیدَن 📤[≛]؛ ️صِحَتاجیدَن 📤[≛]:
- 🗨️ The museum hired an expert to authenticate the ancient manuscript before displaying it to the public.
- ️عَبْراجیدن 📤[≛]؛ ️صِحَتاجیدَن 📤[≛]:
- 🗨️ Before the contract could be finalized, both parties needed to authenticate their signatures in front of a notary public.
- ️وَثْقاجیدن 📤[≛]:
- 🗨️ The researchers needed to authenticate their findings by cross-referencing their data with previous studies