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از ویکی‌واژه





خطای لوآ در پودمان:languages در خط 258: attempt to call method 'fixDiscouragedSequences' (a nil value).

  1. وضعتی که درونش همه موافق اند یا هم‌نظر اند:
    It will be difficult to get any sort of statewide concurrence.
  2. یه سند که درونش کسی نوشته با یه قضاوت قانونی موافق است:
    Justice Alberto Gonzales, who later served as White House counsel, wrote a concurrence.
    A 1995 concurrence by Thomas is now required reading in some law school courses.
  3. یه وضعیت که درونش همزمان چیزهایی وجود دارد یا رویدادهایی رخ‌دهد:
    The concurrence of these events was very exciting.
    We want to ensure the concurrency of design and planning tasks.

