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از ویکی‌واژه





خطای لوآ در پودمان:languages/data/3/m در خط 4121: attempt to call field '?' (a nil value).

  1. زیلان 📤 [؟]:
    🗨️ We’re trying to protect the environment from pollution.
  2. کارلان 📤 [؟]:
    🗨️ a good business environment
  3. فرحلان 📤 [؟]:
    🗨️ For preschoolers, the most stimulating environments are bright, airy, and offer daily outdoor activities.
  4. (برنامه‌نویسی) اجرلان 📤 [؟]:
    🗨️ The company develops large-scale, fully-integrated, multimedia software environments for telephone company networks and cable TV systems.