پرش به محتوا


از ویکی‌واژه




  1. فخرمیدن [ 📤 ] (افتخار کردن):
    🗨️ The school will honor the top students at the graduation ceremony.
    🗨️ It is important to honor our commitments and promises.
    🗨️ The organization decided to honor the employee of the year with a special award.
    🗨️ The soldiers were honored for their bravery and service to their country.


  1. فخراء [ 📤 ] (افتخار؛ احترام):
    🗨️ He received a medal of honor for his heroic actions during the rescue mission.
    🗨️ The event was attended by many dignitaries and guests of honor.
    🗨️ Being asked to give a speech at the ceremony was a great honor.
    🗨️ The family name was held in high honor within the community.