پرش به محتوا


از ویکی‌واژه




  1. کاستن [ 📤 ] (کم کردن کمیت):
    🗨️ She decided to reduce her sugar intake for health reasons.
    🗨️ The company aims to reduce its carbon emissions by 50% by 2030.
  2. کاهیدن [ 📤 ] (کاهش دادن):
    🗨️ The unexpected losses will likely reduce his standing in the company.
    🗨️ Her last-minute decision to withdraw from the competition reduced the excitement of the event.
  3. غلظیدن [ 📤 ]؛ چگالیدن [ 📤 ] (افزودن غلظت یا چگالی):
    🗨️ You should reduce the sauce by simmering it until it thickens.
    🗨️ The chef reduced the stock for several hours to enhance the flavor.
  4. خلاصیدن [ 📤 ] (خلاصه کردن):
    🗨️ Scientists were able to reduce the complex data into a single, clear graph.
    🗨️ She reduced the lengthy report into a concise summary for the meeting.
  5. کمیدن [ 📤 ] (کم کردن کیفیت):
    🗨️ He took medication to reduce the pain in his knee.
    🗨️ he new policy is designed to reduce crime rates in the area.
  6. (برنامه‌نویسی) حصلفتن [ 📤 ] (تقلیل دادن یه مجموعه داده به تک مقدار):
    با تابع حَصْلِفْ، بتوانیم اَثَراً جمع یه مجموعه عدد را با یه خط کد بَحَصْلِفیم.🗨️ By using the reduce function, we can efficiently reduce a list of numbers to their sum with just a single line of code.
    🗨️ With the help of a combinator function, we can reduce multiple input streams into a single output stream seamlessly.