پرش به محتوا


از ویکی‌واژه




  1. نمودن [ ] (نشان دادن):
    🗨️ The scientist demonstrated the experiment to the students.
    🗨️ Can you demonstrate how to use this new software?
  2. بیناندن [ 📤 ] (در معرض نمایش گذاشتن):
    🗨️ The gymnast demonstrated her flexibility and strength during the performance.
    🗨️ The chef demonstrated his sushi-making skills at the cooking show.
  3. صحیدن [ 📤 ] (صحه گذاشتن):
    🗨️ The data demonstrated a strong correlation between exercise and improved health.
    🗨️ She demonstrated her point with compelling arguments and research.
  4. نمامیدن [ 📤 ] (تظاهرات کردن):
    🗨️ Thousands of people demonstrated in the streets against the new government policy.
    🗨️ The employees gathered to demonstrate their dissatisfaction with the company's decision.