پرش به محتوا


از ویکی‌واژه




  1. یابادن [ 📤 ]؛ یافتن [ 📤 ] (پیدا کردن):
    🗨️ The archaeologists discovered ancient ruins buried beneath the sand.
    🗨️ Scientists discovered a new species of plant in the rainforest.
  2. کشفادن [ 📤 ]؛ کشفیدن [ 📤 ] (کشف کردن):
    🗨️ After years of research, they discovered the cure for a rare disease.
    🗨️ She discovered a talent for painting when she took up art classes.
  3. کشفنادن [ 📤 ]؛ کشفیدن [ 📤 ] (ناخواسته کشف کردن؛ متوجه شدن):
    🗨️ While hiking in the mountains, they discovered a hidden waterfall.
    🗨️ We were thrilled to discover a quaint little cafe on our walk through the city.