پرش به محتوا


از ویکی‌واژه




  1. اشاریدن [ 📤 ] (اشاره کردن):
    🗨️ She mentioned her upcoming trip to Europe during our lunch conversation.
    🗨️ The speaker mentioned the importance of teamwork in achieving success.
  2. ذکریدن [ 📤 ] (ذکر کردن)
    🗨️ Please mention any dietary restrictions when you RSVP for the event.
    🗨️ He mentioned that he would be late due to heavy traffic on the way.


  1. یادبود [ 📤 ]:
    🗨️ The book's acknowledgments included a mention of the author's family for their support.
    🗨️ She received a special mention for her outstanding performance in the school play.
  2. ذکر [ 📤 ]:
    🗨️ The manager brought up the idea of implementing a new policy during the team meeting for further mention.
    🗨️ The article made no mention of the recent developments in the field, raising questions among readers.