پرش به محتوا


از ویکی‌واژه




  1. افشیدن [ 📤 ]؛ فاشیدن [ 📤 ] (افشا کردن؛ فاش کردن):
    🗨️ The whistleblower decided to reveal the corruption within the company, leading to an investigation.
    🗨️ The whistleblower revealed confidential information to the media.
  2. هویدن [ 📤 ] (هویدا کردن؛ نمایان کردن):
    🗨️ The archaeologists revealed stunning ancient artifacts buried beneath the ruins.
    🗨️ As the storm cleared, the beautiful rainbow revealed itself in the sky.
  3. برملیدن [ 📤 ] (برملا کردن):
    🗨️ The detective revealed the true identity of the killer during the interrogation.
    🗨️ The detective revealed the identity of the criminal.
  4. نمودن [ ] (نمایان کردن):
    🗨️ The magician revealed the card that the audience member had chosen.


  1. رونمایی:
    🗨️ The reveal of the new product took place at the company's annual conference.
  2. افشاگری:
    🗨️ The big reveal in the movie shocked the audience.
  3. نمودشتگی [ 📤 ] (نمایان شدن):
    🗨️ The painting's reveal of intricate details impressed the art critics.
  4. افشا:
    🗨️ The final scene in the book was a dramatic reveal that tied all the plot threads together.