پرش به محتوا


از ویکی‌واژه




  1. کارستن [ 📤 ] (سپردن/محول کردن کار):
    دَبِّرَنْده (مدیر) ارائیدن (ارائه کردن) راهبرد‌های بازاریابی نوآورانه را به تیمش کارُست (سپرد).🗨️ The manager tasked her team to come up with innovative marketing strategies.
    علیرغم کمتجربگیش، هُدیدن (هدایت کردن) پروژه بهش کارُسِشْت (سپرده شد).🗨️ He was tasked with leading the project despite his limited experience.
  2. گماشتن:
    🗨️ They tasked the committee with evaluating the new policy proposals.


  1. کارساء [ 📤 ] (وظیفه):
    🗨️ Each team member was given a different task to ensure project success.
  2. کار؛ گرفتاری:
    🗨️ Completing this report is my primary task for the day.
  3. گمارش:
    🗨️ Each team member was given a different task to ensure project success.