پرش به محتوا


از ویکی‌واژه




  1. دامیدن 📤 [؟]:
    🗨️ They set a trap in the woods to trap the raccoon that was raiding their garbage.
  2. تلیدن 📤 [؟]:
    🗨️ The clever scam was designed to trap people into giving away their personal information.
  3. حبسیدن 📤 [؟]:
    🗨️ The rockfall trapped the hikers in the cave until rescuers arrived.
  4. گرفتاریدن 📤 [؟]:
    🗨️ He felt that the high costs of living in the city would trap him in a financial bind.
  5. گرفتن؛ زدودن:
    🗨️ The filter is designed to trap dirt and debris from the water.


  1. دامال 📤 [؟]:
    🗨️ The hunter set a trap in the forest to catch foxes.
  2. تله:
    🗨️ She felt her job was a trap, preventing her from pursuing her real passion for art.
  3. حیله؛ ترفند:
    🗨️ It was a classic trap to fool unsuspecting investors into losing money.
  4. صافی:
    🗨️ Make sure the trap under the sink is clear to prevent clogs.
  5. نوعی موسیقی:
    🗨️ The DJ played a set of trap music that got everyone on the dance floor.